My First Ever Baguio Experience

Being four hours away from Manila, Baguio was my first out of town vacation ever!  I was around 10 years old when I went to Baguio with my aunts, uncles and cousins.  Back then Baguio was surrounded by pine trees.  It was so cold that when we were near the top of the beautiful plateau, we would turn off the air conditioning and [...]

My Top 3 Dream Philippine Spots

Our country is so beautiful that there are so many places I want to go to.  But I never had the chance because I'm still don't have the budget so all I can do is dream away until I graduate.  I want to share with you my top 3 dream Philippine spots. 1. Bohol I want to meet the Tarsiers, Bryde's whale, flying lemur and dolphins. [...]

B.U.M. equipment Darkside Cosplay Competition

Everyone has their own little devil deep within but we are too ashamed to show it. Now B.U.M equipment, one of the most well known emo and goth apparel is currently holding a cosplay competition where you can finally show what you've been hiding and where it will be appreciated rather than judged. The rules are simple. Simply dress [...]

Changing Lives by Efren Penaflorida

Today, we're celebrating National Heroes Day so we've decided to show you one of our very own present day hero here in the Philippines. He is someone who created a small ripple that eventually became a wave. He is a person who showed us that you don't have be to special to make a big change.  He is none other than the Dynamic Teen Company [...]

Doggie Love: Shih Tzu Seminar for a Cause and Dog Grooming Tips (pics+grooming video)

Right after our Earth Run 2011 (see separate entry), we went straight to Mercato Centrale to participate in the Doggie Love: Shih Tzu Seminar for a Cause.    Ensure Trivia sponsored by Ensure The FREE seminar covered several topics such as: Breed standard (power point presentation with trivia) (9:00 -11:00 a.m.) Basic dog [...]

Our Earth Run 2011 BGC Experience

A few weeks ago, we attended the bloggers night at Chris Sports (see separate entry) and we were given complimentary race kits to Earth Run 2011. Kurt belonged to the 5k category while I belonged in the 3k category.  It was a dark and cloudy day so we were expecting that it would rain but it only drizzled for a short while during [...]

My Slimmers World Diamond Peel Experience

Remember the FREE Slimmers Gift Certificate we got last time at the Run for Fun Lung? (see separate entry)  Last month, my little sister and I used it to try the diamond peel at Slimmers World Face and Skin Clinic Adriatico.  It was our first time to try Diamond Peel.  Although my face is not flawless and may have [...]

Easy Step by Step Guide on How to Renew a Passport from the DFA

Even if we don't intend to travel, its better to always have a passport at hand.  So when my passport got expired, I had to go to the DFA to renew it.  This was my first time to renew.  To familiarize you with the process, I made this simple guide. Step 1: Go to > Consular Services > Make an [...]