"Heartstrings" also called "You've Fallen For Me" is a recent Korean Drama Produces by MBC. It is composed of 15 episodes of drama and music. The main casts are Jung Yong Hwa and Park Shin-hye. Familiar pairing? The two were also paired in 2009 for SBS's drama "You're Beautiful".
By watching "You're Beautiful" before this, I could tell that there are similarities in their role there and here. Jung Yong Hwa played as Lee Shin who is also the lead singer in a band in this drama. As expected, his acting seemed natural and appealing to the audience. His musical performance is always fun to watch. Park Shin-hye role is the gullible Lee Gyu Won. The two have chemistry and together they bring life to the drama.
The plot is okay. It was nothing special but the all the characters made it fun to watch. The entire drama doesn't revolve around the two main casts, the rest of the stars also have their own stories and a share in the spotlight.
Through this drama, I was able to appreciate traditional Korean music. I admire how Korea preserves its culture. I also loved the concept of clashing Modern and Traditional music because I believe that music is universal.=)
Overall, I recommend you to watch this Korean Drama. It's inspirational, entertaining and naturally romantic.