1. Luxury Bags (Budget:8,000-15,000 php / 180-250 USD)
If you're budget is high, luxury bags is a great option. It's easy to know the brand they want by
observing their other bags. Try to pick a different style and color from the ones you've seen them with. Better, if matches their favorite color. If you're budget is low, a branded wallet will do.
2. Make-Up Kit (Budget: 1,000-3,000 php /20-65 USD)
Every woman values quality make-up and beauty products. Include in your make up kit the essentials such as: lipstick, bb cream, powder, facial wash and make-up remover. Choose the hypoallergenic ones like that of Unilab.
Celeteque by Unilab |
3. Sexy Shoe (Budget: 1,000-3,000 php /20-65 USD)
As the saying goes " Good shoes take you good places". So by giving her a sexy shoe shows how much you believe in her.