ElderTree Faire 2025: A Magical Gathering of Lightworkers, Healers and Spiritual Seekers in Calamba Laguna


Up until last year when I joined my Pranic Healing family, my spiritual journey  — of service and spreading love and light has been lonely, difficult and often misunderstood.  In the Philippines, spirituality is largely confined to religion, where faith is defined by structured rules and practices that serve as a standard for people to follow and a basis for judging themselves and others. Anything beyond these boundaries has been made to feel taboo and is even labeled as sinful, dark, or cult-like.  

So I never thought I could encounter a free event like the ElderTree Faire that was held in Idoy Robles Farm in Calamba, Laguna last February 8, 2024.   

ElderTree Faire Bonfire with Master Lawrence
ElderTree Faire Bonfire with Master Lawrence

ElderTree Faire is a spiritual gathering that recognizes divine oneness or unity consciousness.  The organizers were able to convey this well through their promotional posts for the event.  They understood that there is no disparity between ancient wisdom and new age beleifs and that we are all one regardless of our diverse ways of sharing our unique gifts to raise the vibrations of Mother Earth.  Later on, one of my clairvoyant companions shared to me that the event was aligned with the telemphatic messages (messages received through the heart's love and light language) conveying "We are One" that he has been receiving from Extraterrestrials (ETs) that's recently been possible because of the Schuman Resonance.  Coincidentally, what inspired me to join the event was a dreamt I had last December 15, 2024 with a visual message that "we are all interconnected" as I was shown that we are like electical cores connected as part of a mega-power grid.

pranic healing at the eldertree faire
Pranic Healing More Than 15 Attendees 

My friends from Pranic Healing Association of the Philippines (PHAPI) and Pranic Healing South Luzon Center, along with myself,  were so grateful to be welcomed into such a wonderful sacred space where we got to share the effectiveness of Pranic Healing  an energy healing practice that restores the balance and flow of the prana (chi or life force) within one's body and extends into the auric field.  The effects of energy healing can now be verified through Biofield Sciences

Hare Krishna Mantra by Matra Yoga Club
Maha (Great) Mantra by Mantra Yoga Club

Upon our arrival, we heard the chanting of the Maha (Great) Mantra complemented by captivating beats by Mantra Yoga Club , from Vraja Ecovillage - International Society for Krishna Consciousness.  This Kirtan meditation practice of the 16-word mantra,  consisting of 3 Sanskrit names of Hindu Gods: Hare, Krishna and  Rama, is based in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad.  My clairvoyant companion instantly felt the effect of this song on his chakras so I researched about it.  Scientific studies, through use of a heatmap that tracks energy levels for each chakra during the chanting, has confimed that this powerful chant brings about peace of mind and strengthens our connection with the divine.  

Free Workshops
Art Workshop

The free workshops were the highlight of the event.  

Meditation of Twin Hearts at the ElderTree Faire
Meditation of Twin Hearts at the ElderTree Faire

The most anticipated session was Pranic Healing South Luzon Center Teacher Donna Francisco's session on "Bridging Science with Spirituality."  It also taught the attendees the Meditation of Twin Hearts, which  heals and purifies the heart and crown chakras while blessing the Mother Earth.  Everyone was also invited to participate in the daily free online Meditation of Twin Hearts (via Zoom) hosted by Pranic Healing Philippines.  

Happiness Teacher and Soul Coach Bryson Bonsol
Happiness Teacher and Soul Coach Bryson Bonsol 

The Happiness Teacher and Soul Coach Bryson Bonsol also shared "How to Raise Your vibration to Ascend and Manifest" in 8 simple ways.  He also allowed us to experience crystal bowl sound healing.  He also has an interesting program called "Celestial Bliss" — a 30-minute activation of celestial healing and empowering energies.  

Organizers Krystallary, Belfiore Succulents with Master Lawrence San Juan
ElderTree Organizers Krystallary, Belfiore Succulents with Master Lawrence San Juan

The last workshop on "Manifestation and Release" was facilitated by the jolly Master Lawrence San Juan in green cape.  In Pranic Healing, we are taught that "like attracts like."  And, this was evident in the event.  Because the organizers were advanced souls with activated sixth sense through clairs or intuitiveness, they were able to attract attendees like them. And, everyone successfully manifested a fair-weathered event too.  


Inscious Pinea Psychic Medium with Psychology Background
Psychic Medium with Psychology Background Inscious Pinea 

Noticeably a booth had continuous influx of clients was Inscious Pinea which offered compansionate guidance, healing and support by combining his psychic gifts with Tarot Reading and Psychology background.

Creativity is also a by-product of spirituality so as expected there were art booths.  Couldn't find the name of this booth or artist though.

RS08 Artworks x Merch x Movement

Munting Liwanag Henna Tattoo and Crochet
Munting Liwanag Henna Tattoo and Crochet

One of the really cool booths is Munting Liwanag.  

Munting Liwanag Henna Tattoo Sample
Munting Liwanag Henna Tattoo Sample

She's an amazing intuitive artist and a reiki healer from Cavite.

Haniel's Candles and Sacred Mist
Haniel's Candles and Sacred Mist

Aside from selling candles, Haniel is one of the most gifted Pranic Healer's I know.   She is also a spirituality tiktoker at @hanielatyours.  

Tarot Reader and Outdoor Magic All Natural Sprays
Tarot Reader and Outdoor Magic All Natural Sprays

Bought some all natural Potty-in-Peace and Mosquito Repellant Sprays for only 90 php each here.  Also had some quick chat with the Tarot Reader Ms. Thea, who specializes on financial aspect reading.  She shared has witnessed for herself the effectiveness of Pranic Healing because her best friend in Singapore is pranic healer who does distant healing on her child whenever he can't sleep.  And, her best friend's dad also had a peaceful passing from cancer thanks to Pranic Healing.  

Resonance.Ph Orgone, Tensors & High Frequency Stones
Resonance.Ph Orgone, Tensors & High Frequency Stones

One of my favorite booths is the Resonance.Ph where I got my biggest moldavite and a basic orgonite with a quartz crystal.  

I got to learn the seller applies Modern Cynamtics (since 1904), which as science that studies of how sound, vibration or wave create visible physical structures, in testing his orgonites.  He observes the  geometrical symmetries formed in the ice in response  to the orgonite's frequencies. My friend with a psychic gift of retrocognition —  ability to perceive past events, has traced this technology back to the Free Energy Movement in the 19th century.

Krystallary Crystals, Bath Salts & Oils
Krystallary Crystals, Bath Salts & Oils 

Krystallary Crystals, Bath Salts & Oils is one of the organizers and sponsors of the event. Although I was not able to drop by this booth, I can personally attest to the purifying effects of having a bath salt ritual.  When I couldn't overcome my toxic work environment, I relied on salt baths to make me feel lighter again. 

The Jade Family
The Jade Family

The Jade Family has extensive collection of authentic Jadeite that we Chinese love for its elegance, abundance and protection. 

The Jade Family Bluewater Jadeite
Thank you The Jade Family for my Bluewater Jadeite

I'm also very grateful to have won this beautiful Bluewater Jadeite and an enchanting Aloe Hybrid from Belfiore Succulents, which has now grown a new cute little leaf.   Not sure if its because I'm Chinese but I also picked this phoenix ornament as a raffle prize because I seem to have an affinity with dragons and the phoenix.  

Embellish Crafts
Embellish Crafts (IG: Embellish.Crafts.Ph)

Embellish Crafts has a selections of affordable bead bracelets, stainless steel charm bracelets, necklace and rings. 

The Real Happy Cow
The Real Happy Cow 

Because I'm a foodie, I'm so happy to share about the The Real Happy Cow with a witty tag line "like no udder" haha!  

Vegan Veef Rendang with Red Rice and Special Palabok
Vegan Veef Rendang with Red Rice (250 php)
and Special Palabok (250 php)

The Real Happy Cow's Vegan Veef Rendang with Red Rice was really good!  No wonder it was quick to be sold out.  My friend has to settle for the Special Palabok which he also enjoyed.

Ortiz Sausages Ortiz's Dog
Ortiz Sausages / Ortiz's Dog

My friend who has tried Ortiz Sausages / Ortiz's Dog was very happy with his reaosnable priced hotdog sandwich.

SKS Stash of Kind Stuff
SKS Stash of Kind Stuff 

SKS Stash of Kind Stuff offers sutaianble and guilt-free goodies: Mushroom Chips, Vegan Chicharon and Tumeric Tea.

BLK 15 freshly squeezed juices
BLK 15 Variety Store 

BLK 15 Variety Store is a pop-up store offering freshly squeezed juices and kapeng barako.

Polly's Cafe

Polly's Cafe is a small pop-up coffee shop that offers cold brewed coffee, matcha drinks and other milk-based drinks.  

P.S. As I was taking this photo, I couldn't help but admire this youngster who thanked and blessed the cafe staff with good business upon buying. 

Bettina D. Fire Flow Dance
Bettina D. Fire Flow Dance
Miguel Amante Fire Flow Dance
Miguel Amante Fire Flow Dance

The event ended with a beautiful Fire Flow Dance by Bettina D. and Miguel Amante.  

More photos on our Fan Page

My 2024 As A Year of Spiritual Acceleration with Pranic Healing


It's been quite a while since I've written something heartfelt, and straight from the depth of my soul.  Allow me to share my profound reflections on 2024 — a year that has been truly transformative for me in a spiritual and mystical way.  Im very grateful for my discovery about "Pranic Healing" last April 2024 which allowed me to attain this much progress.  

My Healing in 2024

Due to struggles in health (3rd time to have COVID by the beginning of 2024) and work, I was shaken to the point of almost giving up.  These brought old and ancient wounds to the surface, including the recurrence of my eczema, which I am now healing to some degree.  

I say "to some degree" because I believe that as long as we exist, these wounds would eventually reopen to grant us the opportunity to be stronger by healing them in an even deeper level.  It may sometimes feel like we're endlessly going round and round in a circle because we encounter the similar challenges over and over.  But, it's actually not on repeat but an evolution.  If we examine carefully, it is not a flat circle but a multi-dimensional spiral with layers that goes deeper and deeper.  It's like we're peeling dense layers off when we learn a lesson (similar to peeling an onion).  In short, for us to continue evolving, life continually tests our mastery in resolving these karmic lessons, presenting them with increasing levels of difficulty.

Through regular meditation, deep contemplation, and subconscious learning through dreams (some of which I can barely recall upon waking), I’ve identified two recurring wound themes this year:

  1. Feminine wounds which includes a mother wound that hinders feminine confidence — a quality I view as owning one’s physical presence and harnessing one's sensual and sexual energies; and
  2. Unhealthy relationship dynamics manifesting across all my social spheres in the roles of a superior / controller / perpetrator / persecutor  against the inferior / controlled / victim / persecuted.

Life Mission

Another spiritual breakthrough was gaining clarity about my life mission to be a "light" for others.  This message has repeatedly appeared in my dreams and was also the first impression I received from our clairvoyant master in Pranic Healing, as well as from other clairvoyantly gifted Pranic Healers.

However, with all humility, I have to admit that this realization is just the beginning of a long spiritual journey — as I cannot even grasp on how to pursue.

Arhatic Yoga Retreat 2024
Philippines Arhatic Yoga Retreat 2024

Fortunately, Pranic Healing is a spiritual school with students who have successfully shown me, by example, how to be the light for others.  As our masters have always reminded us, this is the true result of spiritual development through the Arhatic Yoga Practices taught by the school.

Tree Planting with Meditation to Bless the Earth
Tree Planting with Meditation of Twin Hearts Event of
Pranic Healer The Joyful Giver

I know it won’t be easy, but I am certain that this is the path I want to pursue. 

Meditation Under the Full Moon of October 2024
Meditation Under the Full Moon of October 2024

Another thing I came to realize is that I love meditations because it allows me to show my true light granting me a sense of bliss, freedom, peace, infinite love, hope and abundance.  Yet, I couldn't ground such experiences and apply them practically because I have been dimming my light in fear of further isolation and persecution. Even my spiritual transformation hasn’t been spared, as my superiors at work and some family members quickly crossed my personal boundaries by suggesting that my interest in spirituality would be better spent on career advancement and financial gain.  

The above, however, no longer pose as much weight as it has been in my past as I am now equipped with the ability to simply observe recurring unhealthy relationship patterns and see them as an opportunities for growth by presenting me with this pivotal question: "How can I be happy and authentic for myself, while also being open and uplifting for others?"

Related Post: Pranic Healing at the ElderTree Faire 2025