It's been quite a while since I've written something heartfelt, and straight from the depth of my soul. Allow me to share my profound reflections on 2024 — a year that has been truly transformative for me in a spiritual and mystical way. Im very grateful for my discovery about "Pranic Healing" last April 2024 which allowed me to attain this much progress.
My Healing in 2024
Due to struggles in health (3rd time to have COVID by the beginning of 2024) and work, I was shaken to the point of almost giving up. These brought old and ancient wounds to the surface, including the recurrence of my eczema, which I am now healing to some degree.
I say "to some degree" because I believe that as long as we exist, these wounds would eventually reopen to grant us the opportunity to be stronger by healing them in an even deeper level. It may sometimes feel like we're endlessly going round and round in a circle because we encounter the similar challenges over and over. But, it's actually not on repeat but an evolution. If we examine carefully, it is not a flat circle but a multi-dimensional spiral with layers that goes deeper and deeper. It's like we're peeling dense layers off when we learn a lesson (similar to peeling an onion). In short, for us to continue evolving, life continually tests our mastery in resolving these karmic lessons, presenting them with increasing levels of difficulty.
Through regular meditation, deep contemplation, and subconscious learning through dreams (some of which I can barely recall upon waking), I’ve identified two recurring wound themes this year:
- Feminine wounds which includes a mother wound that hinders feminine confidence — a quality I view as owning one’s physical presence and harnessing one's sensual and sexual energies; and
- Unhealthy relationship dynamics manifesting across all my social spheres in the roles of a superior / controller / perpetrator / persecutor against the inferior / controlled / victim / persecuted.
Life Mission
Another spiritual breakthrough was gaining clarity about my life mission to be a "light" for others. This message has repeatedly appeared in my dreams and was also the first impression I received from our clairvoyant master in Pranic Healing, as well as from other clairvoyantly gifted Pranic Healers.
However, with all humility, I have to admit that this realization is just the beginning of a long spiritual journey — as I cannot even grasp on how to pursue.
Philippines Arhatic Yoga Retreat 2024 |
Fortunately, Pranic Healing is a spiritual school with students who have successfully shown me, by example, how to be the light for others. As our masters have always reminded us, this is the true result of spiritual development through the Arhatic Yoga Practices taught by the school.
Tree Planting with Meditation of Twin Hearts Event of Pranic Healer The Joyful Giver |
I know it won’t be easy, but I am certain that this is the path I want to pursue.
Meditation Under the Full Moon of October 2024 |
Another thing I came to realize is that I love meditations because it allows me to show my true light granting me a sense of bliss, freedom, peace, infinite love, hope and abundance. Yet, I couldn't ground such experiences and apply them practically because I have been dimming my light in fear of further isolation and persecution. Even my spiritual transformation hasn’t been spared, as my superiors at work and some family members quickly crossed my personal boundaries by suggesting that my interest in spirituality would be better spent on career advancement and financial gain.
The above, however, no longer pose as much weight as it has been in my past as I am now equipped with the ability to simply observe recurring unhealthy relationship patterns and see them as an opportunities for growth by presenting me with this pivotal question: "How can I be happy and authentic for myself, while also being open and uplifting for others?"
Related Post: Pranic Healing at the ElderTree Faire 2025